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If He Really Wants Me To...

  • Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • Jeff
  • So Jeff has been telling me I need to blog again. Well I will. We had fun over spring break but I'm going to start with my husbands subconscious feelings that only surface when he sleeps.

    It's well known throughout our family that he only sleeps well when his left knee is firmly planted in my back. Somehow I have gotten used to this and barley notice anymore. But his latest round of attacks are starting to get on my nerves. Last week I went to bed much later than him (I'm not all that big on the whole sleeping thing). Anyway, it's hard for him to fall asleep so I try my very best not to wake him. I listen at the door to make sure he's breathing heavily, he is. I tiptoe across the floor not making a sound. I ease into bed not even making it squeak. All of a sudden, he lifts up his head and says in a very loud, stern voice "Kari, What are you doing, I'm trying to sleep". Then he lays down his head and doesn't move again. Given that he doesn't remember a thing about it in the morning, I chalk it up to mere coincidence to what ever dream he is having.

    Now it's two nights ago. I am suddenly woken up in the middle of the night with the weird sensation that my head is falling. I find my self without a pillow. I know I went to bed with one and I am not a tosser. I don't see it lying on the bed. I don't see on the floor next to me. Ah, there it is, on the floor on Jeff's side of the bed. How did that happen? I retrieve it, but wait. This isn't my pillow, it's Jeff's. He's sleeping on my pillow!!! Apparently he knocked his own pillow on the floor, and that sensation that my head was falling was actually him taking my pillow right out from under my head. Now, I don't get mad, I don't shove him over. I get his pillow and very carefully try to get my pillow back and slide his under his head. Does he appreciate this? No. Instead he sits up yells "STOP IT" and then goes back to sleep. Again remembering nothing the next morning.

    So, let this be a notice to all. If I mysteriously die in my sleep. It may not have been an accident. And Jeff may or not may not remember anything in the morning.The picture isn't really related to the story, but cute all the same. I think this was our second night in our apartment in Provo a month after being married almost 10 years ago! Two seconds before I took this picture Bomers left "arm" was actually in the same position as Jeff's.


    Lorie said...

    Kari, that is funny!! Sounds like you might need a restraining order for night time. ha! I wonder what would happen if you really started messing with him in the middle of the night. Tell him some crazy things. On the other hand, I might worry about your safety. Thanks for the laugh!!

    Brad and Karrie Smith said...

    I am sure we have had this discussion before but Brad and Jeff are way too much alike. I have been yelled had things thrown at me even punched while Brad has been asleep so if I die in the middle of the night please check it out. Brad has had such bad insomnia lately he has taken to sleeping on the couch. :)

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