The first day of school was Monday and the kids were so excited. They had everything picked out and packed the night before. That morning they even all got up the first time I called (not normal) and were ready early. Hannah was starting the 3rd grade and Jacob was starting the 1st. As we walked in they still seemed pretty excited. Hannah only cared about finding her best friend from across the street and I never really was worried about her. Jake's looking good so we head to his class first. He walks right in and straight to his desk still looking calm. Now he would be one I might worry about but he's doing great and I'm impressed with him. Then he hears his teacher telling another student to go put his backpack in his locker and that was all it took for poor Jake to lose it. His eyes well up and he makes a beeline for me. I asked him what was wrong and he tearfully said "I
1: He'd been trying so hard to be brave it just took one little thing to set him off.
2: At meet the teacher the week before someone had jokingly told him he had the meanest teacher in the whole school. This didn't go over well then and I think he remembered it at that moment.
Well, after some brief reassurance from me and the teacher that everyone was forgetting that he was fine. He went back to his desk and didn't look at me again. I dropped Hannah off (no drama there) and then it was Jonny's turn.
Jonathan is starting Kindergarten and he is at a separate school about 7 minutes away so we pile in the car and head there. He walks in confident, goes straight to his locker (he learned from Jacob's mistake) and then into the classroom. He did act a little shy but no real problems.
Now it's just me and Rachel till it's time to pick everyone up. She was great over the summer playing with her siblings and having fun on her own but it will be interesting to see if she gets clingy again now that they're gone.
At the end of the day e